Thursday, March 26, 2009


Fox News had a report on spirituality in America. People are hungry for a connection with God and anywhere there is a hunger, someone is waiting to feed it; for a dollar or two. A web site called E-prayer has been created, where for 7 cents a day and you can pick a prayer that fits your personal need. You don’t have to come up with any words on your own, just repeat the prayer and you are good for the day. Romans 8:26 tells us that when we don’t know what to pray, the Spirit makes intercession for us, but somehow I don’t think this was in reference to E-prayer. On another site, the Lord’s Prayer is only $4.00 away. No memorization or strain on your vocal chords necessary. One commentator remarked, “This just doesn’t seem right.” Her newscast partner replied, “Well if it makes you feel good. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?”

The last statement paints the true picture of spirituality in America. I want a religion makes me feel good but don’t expect me to put forth any effort. I believe this is what Paul speaks of in II Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” My interpretation of this verse is “Connection without Commitment.”

We have become a connected society with no personal commitment. I sign on to Facebook every morning and connect with family and friends, then with a click of a button, turn them off and go on about my day. I control the emotional involvement; no tears when they are sad, no rejoicing when they are happy. I can’t even share a joke unless I add LOL at the end. I can pull up to a series of windows and complete my banking transactions, pick up a prescription, a meal and now even milk and bread. My only commitment is to place the money in a tube and push a button, while enjoying a praise and worship song or talk show; no need for a friendly smile, I’m communicating with a TV screen. We have been conditioned to conduct every area of our lives with as little commitment as possible. Maybe it will work with God too. I can log on read a devotional with a cute story and a scripture, pay $4.00 for a prayer on my smart phone as I drive to work.

What about feeling His touch, hearing that small still voice whisper direction for the day, tears rolling down our cheeks cleansing the junk we’ve accumulated throughout the day and the peace as we lie in our bed at night secure in His everlasting arms? There are times when a 7 cent prayer or even a $4.00 one won’t do the job. Sometimes I just need to pour my heart out to my Father, express my overwhelming gratitude for His unspeakable gifts and search His Word for specific direction. I love the connection that comes as a package deal with commitment. I am His and He is mine. Why settle for chump change when He is waiting to pour out blessing according to His riches in Glory!

Friday, March 20, 2009


A beautiful little boy came to live with a wonderful family. He brought such joy to the thankful Dad and Mom as they watched him grow and change. They wanted to buy him a special gift to show how much they loved him. Dad and Mom arrived home with a soft teddy bear. Little Boy was thrilled. Teddy took a nap with him, went to church with him, to Grandma’s house and slept on his pillow every night. One day, Little Boy became distracted by a fluffy cat and Puppy chewed off Teddy’s ear. Teddy lay forgotten at the bottom of the toy box.

Then Mom brought home a special book full of exciting stories. She would read it to him every night so they could enjoy the adventures together. Little Boy loved the stories and even memorized his favorite chapters. In a few months the book was no longer exciting. Little Boy forgot to put it back on the shelf at night and it became torn and dog- eared. The book lay forgotten in a dark, dusty corner of the room.

Dad brought Little Boy a new leather baseball glove. He taught him how to use it, rub oil into it to make it soft and flexible and warned him to never leave it outside. Little Boy was so happy. He spent hours playing catch in the yard with Dad and baseball with his friends. One day a bright red fire truck sped by. Little Boy and his friends chased the truck to see if there was a fire on the next street. The baseball glove lay outside all night in the rain. The next day, the hot sun baked the glove until it became hard and brittle. The baseball glove lay forgotten in the back yard by the sandbox.

More gifts followed and like the others became neglected and forgotten. Finally, little boy had nothing that brought him joy. As he looked around his room, in his toy box and out the kitchen window, Little Boy realized he was surrounded by broken, rusty toys. He remembered the joy they had brought to his life at first. He would like to feel the comfort of sleeping with Teddy, share an adventure story with Mom or play catch with Dad, but he had neglected all of his beautiful gifts. Little Boy sat and cried.

Hebrews 2:3 3How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; 4God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

Too many times my life mirrors that of Little Boy. The excitement I experienced when I first committed my life to God begins to lessen, my Bible sits on the shelf, covered with dust and many other blessings have been used and forgotten. Tears roll down my face as I discover I am surrounded by only broken toys and memories of yesterday. I long to hear one more sermon of God’s love, feel His presence draw near as I close my eyes to sleep and again feel the thrill of His Spirit flowing through me as I raise my hands in worship. Then I realize; I CAN!!!! God has just been waiting for me to realize that the toys are broken. His arms are open wide as I run toward His loving embrace.

If you look around and find your life is a disaster and the blessings have been discarded on the trash heap of life, come back home. He specializes in repairing broken lives and restoring forgotten dreams. Don’t put it off another day; He’s been waiting for you to lay all the brokenness at His feet. He wants to turn your sorrow back to joy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I prefer to spend a little time with God early in the day. There are fewer distractions and my thoughts are clearer. I am guilty of doing most of the talking and as the Bible states it, “making my petitions known.” About 4:00 in the morning is when God likes to talk to me. God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that it takes about 5 hours to clear the clutter of the previous day from my mind and that he has a couple hours so speak with my mouth shut. I am constantly amazed at the things that I see and hear so clearly the first thing in the morning. That’s when I know God’s been working. Sometimes it is the words of a song, or a Bible verse or as it was this morning, a phrase. As I slowly came out of the pre-dawn haze, the words, BEYOND HOPE, imprinted themselves into my consciousness with startling clarity.

The dictionary defines hope as “to feel that something desired might happen.” That is not a definition a Christian can accept. The same dictionary listed their “archaic” definition;” to have confidence or trust.” I am 51, which is approaching archaic, so I will accept the last definition. As one unknown author said, “Man can live about forty days without food, three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope.” Hope is much more than just a feeling that something might happen. Hope is a confidence that the something will appear at just the right moment.

I am, in general, an optimistic person. I usually see the glass as half-full, unlike my Diet Coke-aholic husband who is cracking open another can as soon as he has emptied the first into his glass. To clarify, that is about the only thing Steve is pessimistic about. Together, we are a sickeningly sweet, optimistic couple. I have found the best antidote for pessimism, depression, fear, or worry is just go to bed and about 4:00 in the morning, God will start talking. Now you can understand why I was a little puzzled to wake up to the phrase, BEYOND HOPE, which would be the antithesis of my optimistic philosophy. What was God speaking to my heart?

I have been praying for someone that most people would describe as “a hard nut to crack.” Now I admit that I can’t figure out how God will get through to this person, but I stubbornly refuse to stop interceding. Was God trying to tell me to move on, have they passed beyond hope? That did not compute, so I dug a little deeper. What lies beyond hope? For the Believer, hope is more than just a feeling, it is confidence or trust. There are times, however, even for a Believer, when it seems we have come to the end of hope. That is when we press Beyond Hope.

Beyond hope, there is a quiet assurance that God is faithful. Beyond hope is a peace that I am His child. Beyond hope is a confidence that God loves me with an everlasting love. Beyond hope I rest in the knowledge that my Heavenly Father’s plan for me is beyond my understanding. Beyond hope I cling to the promise that “All things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to His purpose.”

I have family members facing life threatening illnesses, friends wondering if they will ever find a job, and many who are dealing with wayward children. They have been faithful to God; “done all the right things,” yet the answer hasn’t come through. During this time of extreme apprehension, uneasiness, and worry, I have watched these same people move Beyond Hope into a place of Absolute Confidence. If you are facing an impossible situation, reach up a little higher. God has the answers and He is waiting, just Beyond Hope.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Devotions were finished and those with special needs came forward. I asked how I could pray for one of the young ladies who came. Her answer began my search for The Blessing Secret.

“Jane” asked a simple question, “How come I’m not blessed like everyone else? I want to be blessed too.” I gave her the religiously-correct answer and prayed with her. Her question would not leave me alone until it finally became a drum beat in my heart. Why are some blessed and others struggle? Is there a key that will unlock blessing in your life?

Have you ever asked for anything from God and received an answer?

Have you ever asked for anything from God and He didn’t answer?

Have you ever wondered why God seems to bless some people all the time?

Have you ever wondered why you are not blessed?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you need to read The Blessing Secret.

The Blessing Secret is a new bible study outlining 6 keys that will unlock God’s blessing in your life. It is in a study guide format complete with scriptures and relevant questions at the end of each lesson. The Blessing Secret is suitable for personal or group bible study and can be ordered with or without a Power Point presentation.

To order, contact Susan at
Bible Study Booklet - $5.00
Bible Study Booklet w/Power Point Presentation - $10.00

My prayer is that this new study will enrich your faith journey as you unlock The Blessing Secret.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The day finally arrives. The day you have planned for and dreamed about for months; the adventure of a lifetime. Your luggage is packed, the car has received an oil change, the tires have been checked and the gas tank is full. You get behind the wheel, turn the key, back to the end of the driveway and sit there because you can’t decide whether to turn left or right! I cannot even imagine this scenario occurring in my life. Look back at the second line, it includes the words “planned” and “for months.” My husband teasingly tells me that I have to plan to be spontaneous. I am a planner, a list maker, a checker and re-checker. For a conference, last year, I created a spreadsheet to coordinate my wardrobe. I had a column for Tops, Bottoms, Shoes and Accessories. They could be sorted, matched and highlighted as I packed. I loved it and I am convinced that there is market for this piece of software!!!

Now before you begin thinking that I am obsessive, I have forgotten a thing or two and had to make a quick stop for underwear at Wal-Mart; no that was Steve. Ok, I had to call the hotel desk for a toothbrush; that was Steve, too. I know, once I forgot my grocery list, fortunately, bread and milk were easy to remember. In case you hadn’t noticed I’m not very impulsive. I have never started a vacation without a map or a Garmin (love it), hotel confirmation numbers, and a list of activities for each day. I like to know where I am and where I will be when I arrive.

With this in mind, you can understand why this commercial on investing spoke to me. The quote at the end of the commercial stated, “You can’t start this journey without knowing where you’re going.” With my obsessive, detail-oriented life, I cannot imagine going through life with no clue as to where I am heading. However, I talk with so many people who move through life in total confusion, not knowing whether they should turn left or right. Maybe they have never started on their faith journey because there not sure where it will take them.

Over 40 years ago, I chose my final destination and the planning started. Every step of the journey, I’ve relied on God’s Word for direction. There have been times I’ve taken an exit but like my Garmin, God’s voice would direct me, “Make a U-turn now and in 1 mile turn right.” When He filled me with His Spirit, it included my eternal reservation number, which can only be cancelled if I veer off the plan and neglectfully forget to fill up the tank.

If you have been driving aimlessly through life, turning right at this intersection and left at the next corner; STOP. Decide where you want to go, get out your map; MAKE A U-TURN NOW!!! Start the journey toward your final destination, God has your reservation number ready and waiting.